Saturday, 21 January 2017

Winter Reads

Happy New Year! I know, I know, it's wayyyyyyy too late in the year to say that but this is my first post of 2017 and it kind of felt appropriate.

Anyway, I'm back with a quick little post on some of my favourite books. I'm a huge book worm and reading is definitely one of my favourite things to do. Especially in winter when it gets dark so quickly, I find there's nothing better to do than curl up with a good book. So here, in no particular order since it's impossible to choose the best, are some of my faves.

1) The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky:

I don't think I could write about my favourite books and not include this! I've read this a few times  now yet everytime I love it even more. The story centres on Charlie, who is a teenage boy struggling to fit in. Until he meets Patrick and Sam, who quickly become his best friends and pull him out into this new, fun world. A wide range of teen issues are covered throughout the book such as love, sexuality, loss and mental health. It's such an amazing read and Charlie is such a loveable character!

2) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak:

I devoured this in about 2 days. I was hooked on Liesel Meminger's story from the very start. Her story is set in Germany during WWII and follows her life as an evacuee. The title comes from Liesel's fascination with books, and her tendency to steal them. Again, Leisel, along with a lot of other characters in this book, is very easy to love. The book is structured quite different to most as the narrator, Death, tells you what's going to be happening later in the book a the start sort of. It's hard to explain as you get spoilers that don't really take away any of the emotional impact. Overall, a real page turner.

3) Harry Potter 1-7 - J.K. Rowling:

I feel like there are few people who haven't read the Harry Potter books and even fewer who haven't seen the films. In my opinion, the books top the films, hands down! There are so many more amazing characters and plot lines and whole heap of extra magic. If you haven't read the books, especially if you're a HP fan, you're definitely missing out! I don't think I can pick a definite favourite but, I think I might be just, a tiny little bit more, in love with the Philosopher's Stone as its where all the magic starts.

4) The Sky is Everywhere - Jandy Nelson:

My favourite thing about this book, about this author in fact, is the writing style. There's just something about the way she writes that I can't get enough of. This story follows Lennie who has just suffered a traumatic loss and is struggling to come to terms with everything that's happened and is happening around her. Then along comes Joe and also Toby and suddenly Lennie is thrust into an epic love triangle. Another addictive book that I just didn't want to end!

5) I'll Give You the Sun - Jandy Nelson:

Told you I couldn't get enough aha! This book is told from two different perspectives, twins Noah and Jude. Similar to The Sky is Everywhere, there's an element of loss in the story as well as love and identity as the twins try to find themselves while at the same time almost losing each other. again, couldn't put it down.

Well, there's a handful of my favourites. Let me know if you've read any of these and enjoyed them as much as I did. Also, tell me what your favourite book is, I'm always looking for another good read.

                                                                                  Love, Grace x <3